Our Church needs your voice! Join us in asking the Magisterium to grant us an Ordinary Sunday catechetical lectionary for use in every parish around the world. This initiative is in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church, and will always be obedient to the Magisterium. Simply add your thoughts or comments on this page. Simple comment such as “I want to be taught”, or “I support this initiative” is totally acceptable. Please be sure to put down your name, parish, city, country for statistical analysis purpose. Be sure to pass this on and share it with others!
Mary Ann Haas,
Stl. Ann's monastery Basilica, Scranton, Pa. , USAMon, 03/07/2016 - 20:46
Refreshing and much awaited effort!!!!!
Michael Buonsante,
St. Monicas Parish, West Wyoming, PA, USAMon, 03/07/2016 - 15:44
I support this initiative
OUR LADY OF VICTORY, HARVEYS LAKE, PA. 18612, U.S.A.Mon, 03/07/2016 - 15:21
Dean Clerico,
St. Frances X. Cabrini, Wyoming, PA, USAMon, 03/07/2016 - 14:56
The lay faithful desperately need more "meat" in the Sunday homily.
Ss Albans and Stephen RC, St Albans, Hertfordshire , United Kingdom Mon, 01/25/2016 - 19:24
This initiative seems crucial for the current lack of understanding and living out of our faith. We are in darkness in issues such as abortion, contraceptives and marriage, to name a few. We need and want to be taught.
Frances Sullivan,
Our Lady of Angels, Brooklyn, New York, United StatesTue, 11/17/2015 - 16:57
This is so important. Over the years I used the Seton Home Study catechism in addition to the We Believe that is used in our diocese. I don't mean to be critical but checking my daughter's homework and signing it made me see what was being taught in that catechism. It is not that it is bad but a lot of things are simply left out. So many things are just not taught. Doctrine is especially left out in favor of Scripture. Scripture is extremely important but so is doctrine. I am not the only mother that secretly used a supplemental catechism I found out. My daughter told me some her classmates told her their mothers did it also. Children especially need to know all their prayers. All the holy days of obligation and what they mean. What does the Immaculate Conception mean, the Incarnation etc. The Holy Eucharist and the doctrine of the Real Presence and what that means. The lives of the Saints for inspiration. In the diocese of Manhattan and I don't know if they still do it but I was told the diocese gives the children in the catholic schools and CCD a test every year that is not graded by the Parish but the diocese. It is an accountability for what they are learning. I think it would be an excellent idea to have this program in all the dioceses. God bless your wonderful work. It is definitely in my prayers.
John Briones,
St Ignatius, Forest hill, MD, USAFri, 11/06/2015 - 06:46
There are a lot of us that are so smart in secular learning and yet spiritual babies when it come to the faith. If this initiative will change it count me in!
Carole Anne Andrzejewski,
N/A, Lancaster, United StatesThu, 10/22/2015 - 12:57
I just came back to the Church, I have so many questions and no one to ask. Teach us.