Our Church needs your voice! Join us in asking the Magisterium to grant us an Ordinary Sunday catechetical lectionary for use in every parish around the world. This initiative is in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church, and will always be obedient to the Magisterium. Simply add your thoughts or comments on this page. Simple comment such as “I want to be taught”, or “I support this initiative” is totally acceptable. Please be sure to put down your name, parish, city, country for statistical analysis purpose. Be sure to pass this on and share it with others!
St. Mark, Huntersville, NC, USATue, 06/11/2013 - 18:00
Most Catholics appear to be ill educated in the catholic faith. i think many would come back and more would enter the catholic church if they new the beauty of her teachings.
Patrice Jennings,
St. Barnabas, Bellmore, NY, USATue, 06/11/2013 - 17:49
So many are coming to church week after week thinking they are "good" Catholics and yet really do not know what they are supposed to believe in- the biggest wakeup call is how many in our faith voted in this past election! The children in the CCD classes or even those in the Catholic schools are being given a general summary of the faith and they leave their school years thinking that their education is over- they know it all- and they really know just the tip of the iceburg. We can't sustain a faith this way- we NEED to hear the truth from the pulpit- no holds barred and no sugar coating!!!
Ashley Martin,
Saint Joseph's, Raleigh, NC, USATue, 06/11/2013 - 17:37
We do desire to come to know the truth more!
Paul J. Klosterman,
Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church, High Point, NC, USATue, 06/11/2013 - 17:28
I want to be taught, and I support this initiative. Thank you and God bless.
Phil Lawson,
St. Francis Xavier Cathedral, Green Bay, WI, USATue, 06/11/2013 - 17:15
I support this initiative!
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Dawson,
ST. Matthew, Winder Ga, USATue, 06/11/2013 - 17:15
There is so much need of ongoing teaching of our faith that could be interjected in "every" homily- Our Catholic learning seems to stop at Confirmation so no wonder we have produced a generation of Catholics who have become lukewarm and not had much substance to pass on to their children- We need help before we have no idea of why we come the Mass period- and go elsewhere to be fed- Our priests don't realize, how needy we are. The noise of the world controls much of the lack of our spiritual depth-- we need homilies that we can sit and listen to like a child that are easily digested and yet have a profound message- Sometimes we need to be yelled at like a parent would disobedient kids and then we need to be loved tenderly like Jesus would heal us- Homilies to take home and ponder, getting us through the week till we come back for more of that food- Thank you--
Andrea Hines,
St. Ann, Charlotte, United StatesTue, 06/11/2013 - 16:57
I want to be taught!! Please approve this much needed plan!
Paul A. McCormick,
Holy Family - , Clemmons. NC, USATue, 06/11/2013 - 16:46
This much needed today along with an emphasis on devotion to the Blessed Mother - Have not heard a homily centered on her since 1982!!!!!!!!!!!!!!A return to the Benediction services and lessons on how to conduct' yourself in God's house including proper attire.
matthew charles fontis,
immaculafe conception, Albuquerque, USATue, 06/11/2013 - 15:56
I give my whole hearted support and prays for this plan. What better way to learn the faith of our church than through homilies at Mass.