Our Catholic Church has the world's largest media outlet - the pulpit! Now is the perfect time to re-evangelize our Church! Join us in asking the Magisterium to grant us an Ordinary Sunday Catechetical Lectionary for use in every parish around the world.
Sample Catechetical Lectionary
Sample Catechetical Readings List for Ordinary Sundays of Year A
"Invoking God's blessings upon you while confiding your intentions to the intercession of our Lady of Guadalupe, St. Michael the Archangel, and St. Joseph..."
"Please pray for, support and encourage this in every way you can. We must enter into a new catechetical age."
"A great aid in the efforts to evangelize and teach...also help young priests and seminarians in their formation and homily preparation."
"Teaching with Sacred Scripture in one hand and the Catechism in the other opens hearts and minds."
"...the best way to teach the truths of our rich Catholic Faith to the families and all who attend the Sunday Mass."
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