Our Voices

Our Church needs your voice! Join us in asking the Magisterium to grant us an Ordinary Sunday catechetical lectionary for use in every parish around the world. This initiative is in full communion with the Roman Catholic Church, and will always be obedient to the Magisterium. Simply add your thoughts or comments on this page. Simple comment such as “I want to be taught”, or “I support this initiative” is totally acceptable. Please be sure to put down your name, parish, city, country for statistical analysis purpose. Be sure to pass this on and share it with others!

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(2559 signatures and counting)

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Gonzalo del Rey Gómez-Morata, Santa María , Sanlúcar la Mayor, España

Do it please!

Robert Mallett , The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Grand Island NE, USA

We need to teach. We need to be taught.

Sean Kent Sanchez, N/A, Surrey, BC, Canada

Faith is the assent of the intellect to a truth proposed by an exterior source.
Lukewarmness in most cases (As a cradle catholic from a nomininal country) comes from the ambiguity and the lack of knowledge of the faith.
Secular ideas rose up more since the 20th century but they decided to water down the faith and get rid of Thomism/scholasticism this could have combatted Scientism, modernism and other modern errors.

James Sisak, St Mary’s By The Lake, Racine, WI, USA

I support this initiative!

Daniel O'Flaherty, St John Paul I University parish, Denton, United States

We need shepherds in this time of religious darkness and secular focused world.

Patricia Fleming, saint anthony of padua Romn Catholic Church , The Woodlands, United States

I want the catechetical lectionary

James , Mobile, Auburn , USA

Catechesis and more than a 10 minute homily.

Gina Massi , Cristo Rey, Bogota, Colombia, Bogota, Colombia

I have been searching for guidance for the past 3 years. I've been walking by the light of the Holy Spirit.
If you are able to help me grow in knowledge and understanding, may God Bless you
I wish what God Wills in my life, no more no less.

Dyan Eubank, St. Rita, Ranger, Texas , U.S.

I want to be taught the traditional Catholic faith. I am ashamed that as a Catholic, I haven’t always been taught the faith well. I think if we are to keep Catholics and evangelize more, we are to understand and teach the solid truth and beauty of our faith.

Robinson Antonio Bedoya Vélez , N/A, Rionegro Antioquia, Colombia

Me uno a esta iniciativa; Dios bendiga la iglesia católica.
